Thursday, November 19, 2009

You know you're getting old...

when historical fiction is being sold to children about when you were born :-) Lydia's friends have American Girl dolls, and as a result, she has been asking about them lately and would like one. Mom thought she did a good job explaining to Lydia that the dolls are characters from historical fiction books. Mom explained that for instance one of the dolls is from the pioneer days and she would be a character from that time. Since Lydia's birthday and Christmas are approaching, Mom gave her a catalog and asked her if there was one she liked the most. Mom was not happy when the one Lydia picked was from the decade Mom was born! How educational can a historical fiction book be about the 70's :-)

1 comment:

vangie holsted said...

I learned alot in the 70's I don't know what
Diane's problem is!