Thursday, November 19, 2009

Our Little Man

Seth has been sick for the past couple days. He's been sleeping a lot during the day which has resulted in his being awake some at night. Last night he wanted to watch Sponge Bob at around 10 pm. Mom explained to him (multiple times) that although it appears that Sponge Bob is always on tv, it isn't on late at night.

Mom flipped through the channels, and Seth saw a replay of a college football game he wanted to watch. He recently has developed a love of watching football on tv. (However, if you ask him if he wants to play football, he is quick to tell you no. He says he wants to be a football coach. If he was a player, someone might knock him down which would hurt. This is fine with Mom.)

Mom left and a few minutes late Seth screamed Mom for about the fifth time. He had already requested drinks, food, a special blanket, etc. Mom put down Sydney and went to check on him again. He told her that he couldn't see the score on his little TV without getting up, and he would like her to read the score to him....

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