Friday, November 26, 2010

Update on Morgan

Morgan is resting at the hospital after a very tough day. She had her appendix and about six inches of small intestine removed today. She has been very sick since Monday morning. She has done lots of vomiting and had stomach pain. Mom took her to the doctor Tuesday, and he thought she had stomach virus. Mom took her to a county hospital emergency room Wednesday, and the doctor thought it was the flu. By late Thursday night, Morgan's belly was very swollen, she was in a lot of pain, and she was still sick. Dad and Mom took her to another emergency room. This time the doctor took one look at her and said she was very sick. She ran some tests and sent her to a larger children's hospital via an ambulance. Morgan has a condition where the small intestine basically turns inside itself and forms a block. In addition, the block in Morgan's small instestine had gone into her colon. There was a complete, hard blockage. They tried to open the blockage without surgery but had not luck. Morgan was in surgery for a couple hours this afternoon. Of course, she's not feeling that great at the moment, but she should be better soon. They aren't sure yet how long she will be in the hospital.

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