Friday, November 5, 2010

The Jammie Fairy Fails....

Morgan is almost three and a half, and Mom refers this as the age of style. Kids in our house become OBSESSED about their wardrobe. It usually passes quickly, but it can be an annoying stage. Lydia would only wear pink. If someone dressed her in any other color, she would get very upset. Mom decided just to buy her pink clothes for a while, and the family got through it :-) She now willingly wears almost anything. Seth only wore collared shirts and dress pants. He was our little overdressed preschooler. It was a little embarassing at times, but he also quickly passed through the stage and now wears age appropriate style. Now we have Morgan...

Morgan doesn't really care what she wears during the day. It's rarely an issue. However, she is VERY picky about her pajamas. She spends lots of time digging through her pajama drawer looking for the perfect ensemble. Although it's annoying how long it takes her to choose her pajamas, it hasn't been a real problem until now. The weather is now getting cooler and the sleeveless princess gowns and too small shirts are not warm enough for cold northern winters. Mom anticipated this would be a big deal, and she tried to pick out warm winter pajamas that Morgan would like. She got Morgan tie dyed pink ones, ones with pink puppies, and striped ones.. all in cozy, warm fleece. From the moment they arrived, Morgan has refused to wear them.

Tonight the big kids were at a football game with Dad, and Sydney was sleeping, and Mom decided she would use her advanced parenting skills :-) to deal with the issue. She excitedly told Morgan that the Jammie Fairly would be coming soon to clean out Morgan's Jammies, and the only jammies left would be the warm, cozy ones for winter. She showed Morgan the jammies the Jammie Fairy likes and explained that the other ones would return in the spring. For a brief moment, Mom thought she had actually succeeded. Morgan agreed to put on the pink tie dyed pajamas. Then she fell apart... completely... Mom knew she had lost, but she did find a too small pink flannel sheep top and a too big pair of purple princess pants that Morgan would wear to stay warm for the night.

Morgan Looking For the Perfect Pajamas

Morgan Finds the Perfect Summer Pajamas for a Freezing Night

Morgan HATES the Pajamas the Jammie Fairy Would Love
Mom and Morgan Select a Beautiful Mismatched Too Big/ Too Small Ensemble

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