Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Bowl of Chili

When Morgan was in the hospital after part of her intestines was removed and the rest sewn back together, the children's hospital staff wanted her to make choices concerning what she ate. (This was after she was off the liquid diet.) They said that she would eat better if she could choose whatever she wanted. Morgan's two favorite foods are chili and sausage (not served together.) Mom had a serious discussion with the hospital dietician about the appropriateness of this type of diet after intestinal surgery :-) Morgan and the dietician prevailed and Morgan got her sausage with almost every meal at the hospital and came home to frequent bowls of chili.

Mom makes pots of chili and freezes in small containers so Morgan can have for lunch a lot. However, Mom hadn't had the heart to give Sydney a bowl before today because of the mess that she knew would follow. Today Morgan convinced her that Sydney really needed to start eating chili for lunch like her. Sydney seemed to agree!

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