Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You know potty training is going really, really badly...

when your kid secretly puts on a diaper. Remember a few months ago when Mom and Dad said Morgan was giving up diapers forever. Well, after about seven days they decided that they would rather pay the $50 a month and change diapers than deal with one more accident. It didn't go well at all. They decided to give it another try yesterday. By 1:00 yesterday afternoon, Morgan had used the potty five times and had three accidents. It went downhill from there. She had about another four or five accidents by the end of the day. She didn't have much interest in it.

This morning Mom woke up determined to keep trying. She really wanted Morgan out of diapers well before she starts preschool in the fall since she has to be potty trained by then. She thought all was going well about 10:00 am when Morgan hadn't had any accidents, but she was confused because Morgan had only gone in the bathroom once. She picked up Morgan and discovered that Morgan had put a diaper on herself. That's probably not a good sign that she wants to cooperate with the potty training process. However, Mom thinks it's impressive that she can change herself... somehow the preschool may not agree. Mom and Dad may keep trying, but it's not looking good at the moment.

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