Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Return of the Blog with a Cute Pedicure

Mom's morning sickness has brought the blog to a sudden stop for a couple reasons. First, the view from the recliner in the living room where Mom sits sick isn't too exciting to photograph. Second, even if it were, Mom wouldn't have the energy to go find the camera.

However, last night Mom got some great morning sickness medicine. She took the first pill this morning and feels like a new person.

So what do you think she did on her first day feeling decent again??? Check out Morgan's adorable pedicure. It wouldn't fall in the top 100 of things that needed to be done, but it was fun and made Morgan happy. Lydia wants her toe nails painted to match tomorrow. We're hoping the morning sickness medicine keeps working...

1 comment:

Casey Beth said...

I hope you feel better soon!