Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sydney's 1 Year Checkup
Sydney went for her 1 year checkup on Friday. She's doing great. She's 30.25 inches tall (85th percentile) and 22.5 pounds (70th percentile.)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Cooling Off After A HOT Day of Kindergarten
Lydia and Seth attend a school with no air conditioning, and it is supposed to be over ninety every day this week but Friday. Mom brought popsicles to the kids this afternoon at the school. Lydia's room is upstairs, and it was stifling hot. It's amazing that kids go to school in that hot of a room. Seth is downstairs and his room is also hot, but it's better than Lydia's. Lydia seems to deal with the heat much better though. She hasn't complained much about it. Seth has struggled with it. He seems to have a hard time dealing with the high temperatures. He enjoyed coming home after school and playing in the water. Hopefully, this will be our last week of really hot weather. The town is currently building a new school, and the kids will have air conditioning starting next fall.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Trying To Get Baby To Like Her Space
Sydney has had her crib in Mom and Dad's room for her first year. The plan was to move her to Morgan's room at some point and have them share a room. However, it seemed like it would be difficult to get them both to go to bed and stay asleep in the same room. Therefore, this weekend Lydia moved to the guest room and Sydney got Lydia's old room. It was a huge project moving everyone's stuff.
Sydney HATES her new room. She screams everytime she has to go to bed in it. She was going to bed very easily before the move. Dad spent some time playing toys with Sydney in her room this afternoon to try to get her a little happier with it.

Sydney HATES her new room. She screams everytime she has to go to bed in it. She was going to bed very easily before the move. Dad spent some time playing toys with Sydney in her room this afternoon to try to get her a little happier with it.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Snacktime Grossness
Seth asked after kindergarten today if he could make his own snack. He said he wanted to make his own peanut butter and cheese and crackers. Mom thought he meant peanut butter and crackers and cheese and crackers, but no... She wasn't paying attention and then noticed he combined his peanut butter and cheese on each cracker. He seemed happy with it though.

Mom gave Sydney whales since a baby with peanut butter was more mess than she wanted to deal with at that time. Sydney walked over and dumped them by her big sister's tennis shoes and sat down to eat.

Mom gave Sydney whales since a baby with peanut butter was more mess than she wanted to deal with at that time. Sydney walked over and dumped them by her big sister's tennis shoes and sat down to eat.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
First Soccer Game
Monday, August 23, 2010
First Day of School.... Kindergarten and Third Grade
Preschool Open House
Morgan loaded up her school supplies and went to her preschool open house this morning. The full sized backpack she is required to have is huge on her... fully loaded with school supplies she looked ready to tip backwards :-) She had fun seeing her classroom and talking to her teacher. She has the teacher Seth had for two years so she already knows a lot about what to expect.

Friday, August 20, 2010
She's a one-year-old!!!
Sydney turned one today! We already had a family party for Sydney last weekend and have another little one planned next month, and as a result, today was a quiet day. Dad had to work all day and evening. Mom and the kids decided to have a special birthday lunch for Sydney. We ordered Sydney's favorite food, chicken alfredo pasta from Pizza Hut, and bought cupcakes at WalMart. It was a fun spontaneous party.
School Open House
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Cedar Point With An Almost 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 Year Old
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Celebrating Sydney's First Birthday
Friday, August 13, 2010
Poor Sydney...
Mom feels terrible. Mom REALLY wanted a shower this afternoon. It's really tough with a walking baby in the house. She normally either showers while Sydney sleeps or has Lydia watch Sydney while she showers. However, this afternoon, Lydia was at a friend’s house, Sydney wasn’t tired, and Mom really wanted to go out to dinner without her hair looking like she just got of the pool. There is a playpen in the house, but Morgan likes to dive in with Sydney, and Mom worries about the risk of it tipping.
Therefore, against her better judgment, Mom looked at Seth today and said, “you’re a big kid now. I need you to help me. You have to watch Sydney while I shower.” He was practicing cartwheels in the living room. Mom also said, “whatever you do, make sure Sydney isn’t in the way when you do a cartwheel."
A few minutes later, she heard screaming coming from Sydney. It turns out that Seth did listen. He told Morgan (who weighs 30 pounds) that she had to move Sydney (who weighs 20 pounds) so he could do more cartwheels. Morgan carried Sydney across the room and dropped her on the edge of a table. Sydney now has a scraped bloody nose for her first birthday next week. She's ok other than that though.
Therefore, against her better judgment, Mom looked at Seth today and said, “you’re a big kid now. I need you to help me. You have to watch Sydney while I shower.” He was practicing cartwheels in the living room. Mom also said, “whatever you do, make sure Sydney isn’t in the way when you do a cartwheel."
A few minutes later, she heard screaming coming from Sydney. It turns out that Seth did listen. He told Morgan (who weighs 30 pounds) that she had to move Sydney (who weighs 20 pounds) so he could do more cartwheels. Morgan carried Sydney across the room and dropped her on the edge of a table. Sydney now has a scraped bloody nose for her first birthday next week. She's ok other than that though.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Mom is glad it's over :-)
Lydia and Seth have taken group kids' golf lessons all summer at a local golf course. They went every Thursday from 8-9. It was a great deal at $3 a week, and they learned a lot and had fun. However, Mom is thrilled that it's over. To get there on time, Mom had to have all four kids dressed, fed, ,and in the car with water bottles and golf clubs by 7:25 AM. Since Mom is a night person and never goes to bed before midnight, this was not fun!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Lots of Excitement!!!
Morgan went to bed tonight sleeping in her new leotard :-) She didn't want to change out of it into pajamas. The gymnastics and dance clothes and shoes arrived today. She and Lydia loved trying things on and dancing around the house. In the next three weeks Morgan will begin 2 morning a week preschool, dance class, and gymnastics class. She is very excited about all of this. She tells everyone as often as she can what a big girl she is unlike Sydney who is a baby and wears diapers...

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Dad's Sunday Night Philly Steak and Cheese's
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Zoo Camp
The kids went to zoo camp in Fort Wayne again this year. They were there the week of July 19-23, but Mom is running late on posting the pictures. Lydia has gone every summer since she was four, and this was Seth's first year going full days. As always, they had a wonderful time. Lydia is dreaming of being one of the orange shirted teenage volunteers someday, and Seth is wondering if his group will be the goofy giraffes again next year :-)

Friday, August 6, 2010
11 Year Anniversary Dinner Date with a Tag-Along
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Soccer Camp
Last week Lydia and Seth participated in a local soccer camp every evening. It brought out a whole new side of Seth. When we are going somewhere, Seth is normally the last one to have all of his stuff together and be in the van. However, he was so excited to go to soccer that he stayed on top of things all week. One day Mom was looking for him when it was time to go, and she found him buckled in the van with his ball and dinner to eat on the way. Wouldn't it be nice if every day was a soccer day...

Dressed Up Future Dancers
This fall Lydia and Morgan will be taking dance. Last night the dance studio held open house, and Mom took all the girls. (Sydney has to wait a couple years to enroll :-) ) It was an insane place. Mom has never seen so many people packed into such a small space. She was supposed to buy the tights, shoes, leotards, and anything else the dance studio could think of to take Mom and Dad's money. However, she had to teach and knew she couldn't stand in line for hours. She ordered all the necessary attire online later, and the girls are excited to begin next month.
Absolutely Scrumptious
Mom is planning to cook some meals soon to freeze for the busy fall school nights ahead. She's been feeding kids random foods all week that are taking up freezer space to make room. They haven't been Mom's favorite meals. However, Seth was so excited about his pizza rolls. He tried one and said, "these are absolutely scrumptious!" Mom didn't know the word, "scrumptious" was in his vocabulary, but she's happy someone is enjoying frozen food week :-)

Sunday, August 1, 2010
Mom's New Hobby
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