Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Waiting at the Bus Stop

Preschool and Potty Training

Updated: We went in the snow to be in line to get Seth registered for preschool, and we found out that it's a lottery system for admission. In two weeks we'll find out Seth's academic future:-)
Tonight we go to register Seth for preschool for fall. Three years ago when I (mom) registered Lydia, I naively thought it would just be a nice place for Lydia to play while I worked three mornings a week. Months later we learned that while Lydia did have LOTS of fun, she also was learning the difference between a hexagon and an octagon, how to do her colors in Spanish and sign language, all of her letters, and how to count to 100.
You would think I would have taken it more seriously this time, but I didn’t. Last week I called the 8 preschools in the town where we’ll be in the fall, and 7 are already full. I got really lucky though. The last one starts their registration late (6 MONTHS BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS.) However, it’s a beautiful place that supposed to have good teachers and curriculum (did I use the word curriculum to describe a place for 3 year olds??) Therefore, tonight we’ll trudge through 8 inches of snow to go register Seth since registration begins at the meeting tonight, and they will likely be full by morning.
This brings us to potty training… He has to be fully potty trained to begin preschool. Seth has used the potty on and off (mostly off) over the past few months. We’ve decided to get serious about getting him out of diapers. We hate potty training. However, we’ve bought Thomas the Train underwear, made a potty chart, pulled out the stickers and candy, and are on our way. (We honestly bought Lydia a little pink bike to bribe her before it was over last time.) Seth didn’t have any accidents yesterday. However, we know stickers will only motivate so long...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Winter Zoo Day
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Happy 29th Birthday Grandpa!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Castaway Bay
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